
SPECTRO (spectrometers)

SPECTRO is one of the world’s leading suppliers of analytical instruments employing optical emission technology (Stationary and Mobile Arc/Spark OES, ICP OES) and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), used for elemental analysis of materials in industry, research and the academic world.

ZWICK ROELL (testing machines)

160 years of experience in the sector, 187 experts. This unique level of specialization is what has made us world leaders in materials and components testing for more than 20 sectors. There are more than 18,201 materials testing standards. And only one solution: the best one for you! Our testing systems are perfect and tailored to your needs, whatever your sector.

EMCO-TEST (hardness testers)

Hardness Tests Robust, reliable and precise vision hardness testing devices. Perfecting micro and macro hardness tests, even for the most demanding requirements. For more than 70 years.

KATANAX (pearlers)

A SPEX SamplePrep company, it has been creating high-quality electrical fusion equipment for over a decade. Their fully automatic devices are designed to prepare vitreous discs (beads) for XRF, solutions for AA/ICP including peroxide and pyrosulfate fusions.

SPECTRUMA (GD spectrometers)

Glow discharge spectrometers for your analytical needs, with the ability to analyze virtually any material, we are the ideal partner for research and industry.

  • Elemental analysis.
  • Profile depth analysis.
  • Layer thickness analysis.
OREGON (fluxes and crucibles)

Manufacture of platinum parts, salts and fluxes, as well as a complete line of standards and reference materials with international traceability certificates.

XORE (online analyzer)

Xore is one of the world’s leading providers of online analyzers and related services to the mining industry. Xore is the natural first choice when investing in equipment for online pulp and liquid analysis. Our product brand is Boxray™. Xore is a genuinely Swedish engineering technology company based in Skelleheå, northern Sweden.

EUROMEX (microscopes)

Manufacturer of microscopes and other optical instruments. Founded in 1966, Euromex has become a world-class supplier of biological and stereoscopic microscopes.

ULTRA DYNAMICS (process control)

Ultra-Dynamics Pty Ltd specializes in process control measurement equipment for the power generation, mineral processing and manufacturing industries.

PALMER (foundry equipment)

Palmer Manufacturing & Supply, Inc. is a producer of high-quality, durable, heavy-duty, no-bake, complete casting and bulk processing equipment.


THERMCONCEPT develops, designs and manufactures a wide range of electrically and fuel heated furnaces and systems for temperatures between 50 and 2000°C. In addition to a comprehensive program of standard furnaces, we also supply furnace systems to suit our customers’ individual applications.

ASMEC (micro and nano)

Its range of products includes hardware, software and measurement and optimization services for the characterization and analysis of mechanical properties of surfaces in the micro and nano range.

TOPCAST ENGINEERING (Vacuum Induction Furnaces)

Developed competencies in foundry and powder technology, thermal processes, induction heating and power electronics make TOPCAST ​​the ideal partner for standard and customized applications.


Monitors and analyzers in PPM for the detection of hydrocarbons in water.

  • Electrodes and graphite crucibles.
  • Fluxes.
  • Solid reference samples.
  • Inputs for XRF.
  • Others.